R nodes hang

Thank you for the suggestion mlauber71. I was finally able to install the last version of Rserve 1.8.6 in windows this way:

  • Download the Rserve_1.8-6.tar.gz file from here.
  • Install Rtools.
  • Be sure that you have as environmental variables in your system the path to Rtools (e.g. C:\Rtools\bin) and the path to R bin.
  • Execute the command prompt in windows
  • Go to the directory that contains the Rserve file you downloaded.
  • Type R CMD INSTALL --build Rserve_1.8-6.tar.gz
  • Rserve will be installed in your R library :slight_smile:

I also reinstall Knime, the R snippet/view are working if executed from the configuration panel. However, once I execute them in the workflow they hang…