I think this is for the sc. “Windows Binaries” R version - for people who do not want to deal with all the installation problems but might have a somewhat limited version of R. In KNIME you have three ways of interacting with KNIME:
- the official KNIME R nodes KNIME Interactive R Statistics Integration – KNIME Community Hub
- an integrated R version deep in KNIME which only exists for Windows KNIME R Statistics Integration (Windows Binaries) – KNIME Community Hub
- a set of community nodes which would need a separate start of RServe (it already has to be running) KNIME R Scripting extension – KNIME Community Hub
So I think this has nothing to do. Indeed it would be nice to have a simple way to distribute R for KNIME - but I have not found a way yet besides the official R guide and my (older) collection of R hints.