Range Date as Variable

Hi everyone, I’m new in Knime and I’ve a problem with this sql.
I need to replicate a statement like this:

select xyz
from xyz
where (xyz.COD_DATA between ‘2021-07-01’ and ‘2021-07-31’
and xyz.DAT_INI_VAL = xyz.COD_DATA
and xyz.DAT_INI_VAL <= xyz.COD_DATA
and (xyz.DAT_FIN_VAL > xyz.COD_DATA
or a14.DAT_FIN_VAL is null)

Do you have any advice?
I’ve to set a date range in COD_DATA and then use it as variable in order to filter DAT_INI_VAL and DAT_FIN_VAL.
Thank You very much for your help!!!

@maxxxx74 welcome to the KNIME forum. You might want to take a look at this example:

If you need to manipulate dates you can use the various KNIME nodes to handle data and time functions:

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