Hi team,
In a folder, I have 6 files. but 2 of them are bad file with wrong format and only 4 files with correct format.
Through some existing workflow, I am able to filter out bad files and leave only the 4 good files in a list of files (in List Files/Folder node) that I want to append together into a sheet of combined data. (the files have the same for format and same header).
In List Files/Folder node, it shows the path to each file (2nd picture).
When I convert the path to variable to link to excel reader to link the address, it only read one file by one file and each one will be replaced by the previous file address.
Instead of writing each one out to excel files and reread again to append, is there a way I can read the 4 files address from List Files/Folder node by combined them together into one data ?