for filtering based on defined list of values you can use Reference Row Filter node. For writing data out KNIME into Excel use Excel Writer node. To send written file as attachment control Send Email node with flow variable. There should already be similar topics on forum and some examples on KNIME Community Hub so I encourage you to do a bit of searching. And for specific issues with Send Email node (or any other node) you need to provide more information.
Additionally instead of sending files as attachments I save a file to a shared location where permission rights are in place and then send only location to this file to all who need it. Has multiple benefits.
I wrote and article and recorded a video on how to circulate PDF Reports via Email. It covers the configuration of Email Sender nodes etc. and I think you can translate the way PDFs are saved temporarily and then attached to an Email as well to your use case.
Link to my Article . EMail config starts in section 5: