Run knime workflow on batch mode linux

Is there any way to run KNIME flow in batch mode on Linux CentOS ?
As I checked, the below command represented in the froum: but I cound not get the result.
aslo, in the below command, where is location of the flow?

knime -consoleLog -noexit -nosplash -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION​

Hi @natanzi , in your command line, you are not passing the workflow. You have to pass it as a parameter such as:

There are other couple of ways to do this, such as pointing to a zipped version of your workflow:

or pointing to a knwf file:

So, you can add one of these to your command line

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@bruno29a Thanks for your answere.
the below note is correct?
knime -consoleLog -noexit -nosplash -workflowFile=“path_to_your_workflow.knwf” -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION​

Yes it is. It doesn’t really matter where you add it, but it is correct.

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