SARIMA and SARIMAX with a bug: error “No applicable renderer found.” when opening the node. It is even weirder that it works anyway, but I cannot see or change the parameters.
I have uninstalled and installed the timeseries lab extension and did not work.
The modern UI went through some changes and in turn it missed out on the special layout that is currently limited to SARIMA & SARIMAX nodes. A ticket, AP-23766, has already been raised and will be fixed in 5.4.1 release. Thank you for reporting the bug!
@mix1911 the Time Series Analysis Extension got move to KNIME Labs from community update site. If you drag and drop the node from KNIME Hub, it should prompt you to install the extension without explicitly defining an old update site.
Due to certain internal reasons the release for 5.4.1 will be a bit more in later February. Although this bug has been fixed, what I can recommend as workaround is to download the zip file and extract it somewhere, and setup a local update site in KNIME Preferences.
The local update site can be created as follows:
Add the repository folder to KNIME AP as a Software Site in File → Preferences → Install/Update → Available Software Sites