Search for value and return entire row

Hello KNIMErs,

I have a dataset with dynamic number of rows and static number of columns.
I would like to filter out all rows that contain FALSE Boolean value in:
a) 1 or more of columns of Boolean type, where there are 200+ such columns;
b) any column.
Both approaches would lead to the expected results, because FALSE Boolean values don’t exists in columns other then Boolean type.

Any suggestions are more then welcome.


Hi @Kazimierz

Can you please try and adapt that WF to your data? Does it do what you want it to do?
Exclude_row_with_FALSE_in_any_bool_column.knwf (17.9 KB)



Hello @Kazimierz
You can take a look at the final section of this WF (from column aggregator onwards). I think that this regexMatcher() in String Manipulation can handle the query:


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Hi @Alice_Krebs

Your solution brings my workflow much closer to the expected result.
After additional joining and filtering, I’m getting what I expected.

Thank you so much,

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Hello @gonhaddock

Thank you for your proposal. It doesn’t do what I expected. In my opinion, String Manipulation node creates incorrect outcome in appended FILTER column: there are only ‘False’ values in FILTER column, while there should be mixture of ‘False’ and ‘True’ values there.

Best regards,

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Hello @Kazimierz

I can accept your valuation. I am sorry if my post lacked of explanations; but I don’t agree with the conclusions. As this approach, with different nodes, can handles many complex logic requirements.

The original workflow was built aiming to filter trues; Since your case requires to filter false, With very little adjustment the expected outcome can be achieved. Just for the records:

20230125_Exclude_row_with_FALSE_in_any_bool_column.knwf (57.2 KB)



Hello @gonhaddock

You are right: both your solutions works OK.
After small modification in configuration on my side, both your proposals generate the expected outcomes.

To anybody who reads this topic: you can use either @Alice_Krebs’ or @gonhaddock’s solutions.

Happy KNIMEing,


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