Series Filling an empty column based off one value?

Currently learning my way from full time excel to streamlining an upload process on Knime. Is there a way to ‘series fill’ an empty column starting from a value input (ie. inserting XXABC957 then having the column auto populate until the end of the table to XXABC973). The Column ‘Column Number’ is currently empty and I would just need to input a value in the fist column and the rest would auto fill in sequential order.

Input number

Company Number manufacturer sku Vendor Cost Price
XXABC957 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00


Company Number manufacturer sku Vendor Cost Price
XXABC957 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC958 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC959 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC960 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC961 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC962 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC963 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC964 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC965 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC966 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC967 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC968 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC969 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC970 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC971 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC972 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00
XXABC973 xxxx-xxx 12345 $100.00 $160.00

HI @vault1021 and welcome to the forum.

Here is something you could try. Someone else may have a simpler way with fewer nodes, but this should work.

FillInMissingColumnExample.knwf (14.8 KB)


Hi Scott,

This is near perfect, Thank you so much for helping me find a workaround for this. I tweaked it a little so I was able to join the manufacture numbers from a different file, even if it doesn’t a one button push, I still learned a way to fill this column with item numbers along with learning how each node works a little more. I’ll keep working towards this workflow and maybe I’ll find a way to make a sequence that’ll take into account the prefix letter (ie. XXABC999 to XXABD000).

Thank you

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