Server Course: Customer Segmentation - Part 4: Take Notes and Display Labeled Clusters

1) Drag&drop the Take Notes component available in the KNIME Server directly in the Workflow Editor 2) Create a loop on the Take Notes Component in order to loop over each created cluster 3) Connect all the inports and outports accordingly 4) Drag&drop the Display Labeled Clusters component, available on KNIME Server, directly to the Workflow Editor 5) Connect all the inports and outports accordingly 6) Clean up and document your workflow using annotations and node labels 7) Reset the Workflow and make it executable from Define Cluster Parameters component 8) Create a copy of the wf and rename it as follows: 02_Customer_Segmentation_Use_Case_YourInitials 9) Upload the Workflow in the KNIME Server under the directory Server Course_My wf

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