Hey @mwiegand,
Thanks for the detailed write up on this issue, I see another team member has replied in the past, but I went ahead and created a ticket for it as it seems to still be occuring.
Ticket AP-22563
Hey @mwiegand,
Thanks for the detailed write up on this issue, I see another team member has replied in the past, but I went ahead and created a ticket for it as it seems to still be occuring.
Ticket AP-22563
This was brought to my attention. I think the root cause of the problem is in a community extension (KNIP). Can you (temporarily) uninstall it and double-check?
Both or just the first?
After uninstalling the first and restarting Knime the issue still persists.
240528 Knime - 77549 - Debug Log Level Error Log.txt (42.0 KB)
Update 2
After removing the second extension and restarting Knime the issue seems resolved. I will reinstall the first and see if it reaappears.
I had exactly the same problem in 2024. I also wrote here on the forum.
Now I have completely demolished Knime 5.2.3
and installed it in version 5.2.4 from scratch.
I have been watching for a week, there is no described problem.
All nodes are in place.
All 5 standard extensions are installed, including NodePit.
@R72 do you also have “KNIME Image Processing - ImageJ Integration (Beta)” from KNIME / LOCI installed?
Thanks @R72
@wiswedel I suppose, since the issue was still present after deleting the first extension, that it wasn’t the cause, was it?
PS: Another Knimer reported a possible similar issue. Thought the error message slightly deviates because other nodes are impacted.
ERROR RepositoryManager Category ‘python-nodes’ from plugin ‘org.knime.python3.nodes.testing’ could not be created in parent path ‘/testing/’.
ERROR RepositoryFactory Locked parent category for category testing. Category will NOT be added!
Internal ticket ID: AP-21672
Fix version(s): 5.2.6, 5.3.0
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