SMB connection runs into error

I need some advice for this issue:
I have a workflow creating some local files in data dir (using python). In the end I’d like to copy/transfer these files to a network drive using a SMB connector.
Here I would like to enable a table with input and output path. This is necessary because the file shall/have to be fit to different directories.
This works well a local file system but fail with this error:

ERROR Transfer Files (Table) 0:167 Execute failed: class org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable cannot be cast to class org.knime.filehandling.core.port.FileSystemPortObject (org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable is in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @3ef2b8e5; org.knime.filehandling.core.port.FileSystemPortObject is in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @62672ad5)

Did I miss something or is this a bug?

Hello @TiloW ,
can you please provide a screenshot of the workflow with the input nodes of the Transfer Files node and also the part of the KNIME log that contains the above mentioned error including the stack trace. You can open the log within KNIME via View->Open KNIME log.


The workflow contains something like this:
Test_Filetransfer.knwf (27.2 KB)

I also tried to use input using connectors. Here the error changes. To me it seams like KNIME tries to overwrite the file to it self.

My workaround solution was: creating whole dir-structure in workspace and use transfer files w/o table input.

Best regards, Tilo

Hello @TiloW ,
sorry for my late reply. We are looking into the problem and get back to you.

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Hi @TiloW

I have looked into the workflow you provided but could not reproduce the error you have encountered (not even when I replace the Local File System Connector with an SMB Connector).

One thing I noticed however: You are using forward slashes in the String Manipulation node ( → dir1/file1), but SMB paths needs backward slashes. If you use forward slashes you will get an error during Transfer Files (but a different error than you posted).

The original error you posted looks like it could be a bug in the Transfer Files node:

ERROR Transfer Files (Table) 0:167 Execute failed: class org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable cannot be cast to class org.knime.filehandling.core.port.FileSystemPortObject (org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable is in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @3ef2b8e5; org.knime.filehandling.core.port.FileSystemPortObject is in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @62672ad5)

To figure it out it would be extremely helpful to have the part of your knime.log where this error has occured, including the stack trace. You can also send it to me via private message if it contains sensitive data.


Sorry, I had no time last days to check for this error
attached you’ll find the knime.log

br, Tilo
knime.log (1.5 MB)

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