SMTP error while sending email

Dear all,

Since yesterday I am getting the following error while sending email via KNIME:

ERROR Send Email 0:3739 Execute failed: Error while communicating with the smtp server: javax.mail.MessagingException: Can’t send command to SMTP host;
nested exception is: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Do you know if it a problem related to KNIME or if it is related to the smtp server instead?


Hello @venturaz87,

if you haven’t changed anything in/with KNIME this should be server related.


Thanks @ipazin, I did not touch anything in KNIME. I also thought it must be server related.

@ipazin, we found that is server related. Specifically to java that does not validate the certificate for the smtp connection. Do you know how can we solve this? Now, we managed to send email only removing the TLS requirement when connecting to the smtp server. Thanks!

Hello @venturaz87,

glad you found an issue. Honestly this is a bit too much for me :sweat_smile:

You can search for similar topics in this forum (ones containing SSLHandshakeException within self) and see if there is some useful information for you.

Also maybe someone else comes up with idea/suggestion :wink:
