Solutions to "Just KNIME It!" Challenge 11 - Season 3

Thanks for the heads up, @AnilKS! I can already tell that there are indeed different ways of interpreting Q1.


:sun_with_face: Hi, folks! Here’s our solution to the Olympics Trivia challenge! :medal_sports:

:thought_balloon: We noticed that Q1 can be interpreted in different ways, so depending on your reasoning you may get to a different answer. :thinking:

Thanks for all your submissions and see you tomorrow for a new challenge. This time, on one of the oldest beverages in the world: beer! :beers:


Indeed @alinebessa :upside_down_face:

I did it by averaging of the single ‘average number of medals (gold, silver, and bronze combined) per athlete’ at a single $Games$. So the result is the average of the bars presented in this R chart.

The bar chart was excluded from the final submission, as I considered that it required some extra work to improve readability.



Perfectly valid interpretation in our opinion!

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This is my first time participating in the Just KNIME It challenge. I am not a data scientist, so there is likely a more elegant solution available. However, I was able to get to the answers the challenge presented.

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Welcome to our community, @Patrick_Zewatsk! We hope you learn a lot about analytics and data science by tackling these weekly challenges and also checking other solutions here in the forum. <3

Hi @jhoney12, and welcome to our community!

There’s an explanation about what the codes mean here: Solutions to "Just KNIME It!" Challenge 11 - Season 3 - #16 by tomljh

We believe it’s fair to standardize the codes and use just one of them for both instances.


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