SQL OPENQUERY to Progress Database


I am trying to use KNIME to access tables within a Progress Database which is succesful when retrieving the data but not when getting the SQL Types.

All dates are shown as timestamps, decimals as numbers(30,10), strings as varchar(255) etc..

The problem is there are some 2,000 columns for 12 tables and to enter these would be very time consuming considering I have already recreated the tables under SQL.

The purpose of the project is to read from Progress and then Insert/Update the tables in SQL similar to a T-SQL 'MERGE" script.

Any suggestions on this?


I guess you are refering to the Database Writer node that specifies the types e.g. timestamp etc. These types are only considered when creating the table so if you only append rows to an existing table (make sure you select the ...to existing table option) they are ignored.

To update existing values you can use the Database Update node however you first need to detect the existing rows in the table which you need to do in KNIME.

