Hi, based on topic in here: Start a Knime workflow with a bat file
I use knime to execute automatic using task scheduler, and monitor progress through consolelog. Is it possible to have the consolelog in minimized window while running?
Hi, based on topic in here: Start a Knime workflow with a bat file
I use knime to execute automatic using task scheduler, and monitor progress through consolelog. Is it possible to have the consolelog in minimized window while running?
Hi @hitorijanai ,
I haven’t tried this but if you create a windows shortcut to your bat file, and then set the properties of the shortcut to minimized (right-click shortcut and select “properties” and then choose “run: Minimized”), can you then have task scheduler executing your shortcut, and if so, does it then start minimized?
Hi @takbb ,
I have tried that way and also tried on knime.exe properties but both can’t start in minimized window.
I also tried with option /min when calling .bat file but only that bat file minimizes window, console log from knime.exe doesn’t minimize
Are there any other options from knime.exe that I may not know other than: -nosplash -reset -consolelog that can help my needs.
@hitorijanai you can try this option:
-consoleLog : Outputs the log messages to the console. This is useful for debugging or monitoring the workflow execution in real-time.
Or source can write out a proper log from the batch file
Hi @mlauber71 ,
Yes, I have used -consolelog to monitor the log of the running workflow, but is it possible for the log window to appear by default in the minimized window? because the console log that suddenly appears is quite annoying when developing other workflows.