Subject addition with Current Month name in word and current Year - Send Email

Hello team,

Hope you all are doing good.

Please help us how to add the Current Month name in word and current Year in the send email node subject when email triggers done by user.
It should pick up auto current month and year along with defined report name.

Please help :slight_smile:

Madhusudan J

Hello @Madhu_Sudhan,

To make sure I am understanding, you want in the Subject Header something like:


You would need to do this through a flow variable and changing it here below:

Where variable 1 contains the “MonthYear_Name” that will be dynamically filled based on current date and the report name.

I do not know anything about what you are working with so I attached below a sample workflow that includes a flow variable that has the Month and Year get auto populated

then you can just pass this flow variable to the Send Email node and have it replace the subject.


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