Sum in several columns

Hello to the community,

I am really at the very beginning of my knime training and I come to you regarding one of my questions.
In my last filter column I want to count how many soccer players there are in this or that country (example: in the column Norway 5 players, England 12)

Using Maths formula node I can only find the results on one column, but I would like it to be on several columns.

How can I do it?
Also how can I optimize my workflow?

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Welcome to the forum @Thimi91 .

Using Maths formula node I can only find the results on one column, but I would like it to be on several columns.

I believe the Math Formula (Multi Column) node was made for this kind of application. The GroupBy node will also work, you’d just need the appropriate aggregation settings.

Also how can I optimize my workflow?

What does this mean, exactly? What is it about the workflow that you’d like to optimize?


Hi @Thimi91,
in addition to what elsamuel said, you shouldn’t focus too much on optimising your workflows in the beginning. If it’s running fast enough and you can still understand how it works a week later, you’re fine. Also I don’t see any weird construct in your screenshot.
Later in your journey with KNIME you’ll probably figure out a better way to do that and tear everything down and rebuild it from scratch. I certainly do that a lot :upside_down_face:


Hi, thank you very much, I will try this on my side.

When I talk about optimizing it’s in the sense of putting as few nodes as possible to achieve my goals

Good evening


Hi, thank you for your advice I will focus on that

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