Table difference finder

This new node in 4.3 is almost superb, It finds changes in the data and the domain but alas it work on a row by row basis. My incoming data is not ordered, no problem, sort both inputs by the same column. Well the new data has deletions so it all goes wrong. Can we have a joining column to compare the tables as an option?

Hey Platty,

welcome to the forum and the KNIME Community! Nice to hear that you like the node :slight_smile: Could you give us maybe a small example workflow what you exactly want to do or what goes wrong? If I got you right, you could use for now a joiner node with a full outer join, column splitter and then use the table difference finder. Hope this will help you temporaily :slight_smile:

Best regards

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The workflow attached shows the issue I am experiencing.

Table Compare.knwf (125.2 KB)



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Hey Ian, thanks for sharing your workflow with us. I just created a rough solution for your problem, it might need some adjustments here and there and definitely can be optimized. I hope this will solve your problem temporarily.
We will discuss this issue internally :slight_smile:

Best regards

Table Compare.knwf (64.1 KB)


Thanks for this I will take a look shortly to see if it better meets my needs vs the Table Difference Finder node.

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