Unable to insert connection error


When I opened this workflow, I encountered an ‘Unable to insert connection’ error.

I’m reporting it here because I have successfully reproduced the error.

  1. Install KAP 5.3.0 (zip archive) on Windows11.
  2. Execute KAP.
  3. Import the workflow.
  4. Open the workflow, a dialog box appears.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. Install two missing plug-ins. (Giskard Extension and Integrated Deployment)
  7. When the message “Restart KNIME Analytics Platform to apply the software update?” appears, click the “Restart Now” button to restart KAP.
  8. “Unable to insert connection” errors are displayed after starting the KAP.
  9. Click OK.
  10. The workflow appears, but the connection to the added node is broken.

It may be a known bug, but I reported it here.


This is not directly a bug. I have noticed it myself that connections, under certain circumstances, get severed. In your case, since the Capture Workflow Start and End node were not installed upon opening the workflow, their respective connections got removed.

What “bugs” me (pun intended) is that the connections do not get re-established after the extensions got installed.

As a possible quick solution, I suggest you reimport the workflow.



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