"Unsupported workflow version" in Batch execution

Executing simple Knime project in batch mode I get "Unsupported workflow version" error.

Here the error trace:


dani@egg-v3:~/BI/knime_2.7.3$ ./knime -nosplash -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -workflowDir="/home/dani/BI/workspace/KNIME_project3"
===== Executing workflow /home/dani/BI/workspace/KNIME_project3 =====
Unsupported workflow version
========= Workflow did not execute sucessfully ============
Also, a modal java error window appears with error '3'.
What Is wrong in this approach?
Sorry if this is not the place to this kind of posts, let me know if this is the case.

What version was used to create the workflow (there should be workflow.knime file in "/home/dani/BI/workspace/KNIME_project3", can you send the top part of the file)?

The exit code "3" indicates a workflow load error (such as unsupported workflow format).



thanks about your reply and solution!

Hi, i have the same problem and i need solve it.
Please, how i solve this?.
Thank you.

t_1_project =====
Unsupported workflow version
========= Workflow did not execute sucessfully ============


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This is very likely a wrong error message it should be "Workflow is locked by another KNIME instance".

Hi Thor,

The problem occurred when trying to run the workflow as a batch process and at the same time, this workflow file open with KNIME editor.
Thank you very much for your help.

Hi Thor ,

I also face the similar issue of "Unsupported workflow version" with KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION command.

My command looks like this:

D:\knime_2.9.4>knime.exe -consoleLog -noexit -reset -nosplash -application org.knime.product.KNIME_B
ATCH_APPLICATION -workflowDir="D:/Img_Processing_Demo/Img_Processing_Demo" -workflow.variable=filePath,"D:/Video Ananlytics/AnilKumbleRoad.mpeg",String

And Error looks like this:

INFO    main BatchExecutor      =====Executing workflowD:\Img_Processimg_Demo\Img_Processimg_Demo =====

ERROR  main BatchExecutor   Unsupported workflow version

INFO       main BatchExecutor    =========== Workflow did not execute sucessfully ==============

Please suggest me the possible solution.

