Update to v1.19.0 - New nodes, new features, bug fixes

The nightly build of the Vernalis community contribution has just been updated, with a number of new nodes, new features to existing nodes, and bug fixes:

New Nodes

  • Added Run Garbage Collector node

  • Added Run Heavy Garbage Collector node


Bug fixes / Enhancements

  • Major overhaul of performance monitoring plugin:
    • Optional monitoring of individual loop body node timings (preserves legacy behaviour by default)
    • Improved error handling for missing / mismatched loop starts
    • Refactored most nodes and rationalised class structure
    • Node descriptions now all created dynamically, allowing simplification of addition of further nodes with alternative port types
  • Missing icons restored to MMP Nodes
  • Fixed URL change for SMARTSViewer node
  • Update core plugin about.ini file with current date
  • Enhanced error handling in MemoryUtils class and corresponding nodes (Benchmarking loops and Memory use node)
  • Allowed unix-style dates in ‘Load Bruker AMIX Peaklist Files’ node
  • Added createTab method to NodeDescriptionUtils (core plugin)

This adds nodes and features referenced in the following posts:


For any node developers who happen to have subclassed any of the NodeFactory implementions in the benchmarking plugin, there is a very small possibility that this update will have broken things - if that is the case, please get in touch and I can point you to how to fix things.


This update has now additionally been applied to the 3.7 stable build. In this case, it also rolls in the following improvements, which had not previously been applied to the stable build:



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