Using knime://LOCAL/ for workflows on KNIME Server

When I set the file address to knime://LOCAL/… the workflow execution on KNIME Server fails with this error:

There are messages for workflow “workflow 2020-01-17 19.01.35”
Excel Reader (XLS) 3:42 - ERROR: Execute failed: File not found: C:\knime_server\workflow_repository\runtime\runtime_knime-rmi-50100\workflow_group\data\file.xlsx.

I have deployed the workflow group to the root directory of the server workspace.

I have noticed this topic:

But could not figure out how to edit knime-server.config file correctly and have made no progress so far.


Hi @armingrudd -

What about using knime://knime.workflow/data/file.xlsx instead? That’s the relative path I use whenever I want to include data as part of my workflow.

Yes that’s a solution but I prefer to have data folder visible in KNIME explorer. Is it possible?


Yes - in that case, upload the data in a workflow group and modify the path. You can still use the knime.workflow relative path, but it will point to a different directory, something like:


Where the .. notation refers to a parent directory.


This is the solution I seek, it did not come to my mind. Thank you @ScottF.


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