I’m really hoping for your help.
I have a large database of patients and it takes a lot of time to enter them manually.
Here is an example of the original data:
Is it possible to use Knime to re-edit the data so that the column names have a calculation from the date of surgery to the date of the test result?
Here’s an example:
Please note that your starting point is not even possible to have in KNIME “as is” since equal column names are not allowed. I would therefore encourage you to first get the table in KNIME and upload that to the forum because any attempt now would be misrepresenting your situation and leads to sub optimal solutions
In general, people are less inclined to help out if they have to spend a lot of time recreating your starting point so the more you can provide in terms of data and logic the better.
Also, it seems that the result (x) columns already contain all the values that you want to keep so is there actually anything to calculate or is it just a matter of renaming the columns? And what’s the logic behind 0, 2, 4, 6 on the column headers?
For each patient, is the “day interval of analysis” from the “surgery date” fixed or varying ?
From the sample data and output, looks like it is fixed of 2 days e.g. Day 0 (date of surgery), Day 2 (2 days from surgery), Day 4 (4 days from surgery) and so on.
If the day interval is varying, then we can not put the day interval value in column, for each reading, there would be 3 values, the day of analysis, the day interval and the result value.