I agree @sw1336. The ability to visually inspect data quickly is what makes (made!) KNIME exceptional compared with other data/analytics tools I’ve used
As @DanielBog says, there are lots of “important” features that different people would raise as priorities but to me there are certain “must haves” with regard to data viewing:
Being able to efficiently visually inspect the data, which includes being able to read column names in full without much manual effort.
Being able to view the actual data (so “unexpected” space padding especially at the beginning and end of a text column can be quickly and easily identified)
Being able to scroll a large result set with no (or minimal) lag
I note that there have been improvements to the Table View node and its interaction with KNIME since 5.2… It has a facility to set Column widths to “Fit content and header” which is nice, but I’d like an additional option which is simply to “Fit header” so the titles were fully visible but still allowed truncation of the data.
The attached video shows the gradual evolution of Table View from 5.2 to 5.4. Notice in 5.2.4 you cannot see the content of Table View in the lower data panel, but that changes from KNIME 5.3.
(Sorry for the poor quality of capture, but hopefully it gives the idea…)
I’d also like to see that setting for the Table View node made available as configurable “default” setting for all KNIME data table viewers in Modern UI (such as the data pane). I don’t want to have to keep dropping and configuring “viewer” nodes onto workflow.