Writing to > 1 excel sheet

I am trying to write to multiple sheets. I have two branches coming off the CSV reader (Among a few string manipulations). Then, I branch into 2 branches by using row filters. Each of those write to the same excel file, but different sheets. When I execute the workflow, only the 1st workflow actually writes anything. I feel like the second one is getting blocked due to the first one writing to the file.

What is the solution to this?

Hi @DataSci6497 .

Make precedency. Try connecting the output variable of the first excel writer, with the input variable of the second excel writer.



Hi @DataSci6497

Or add a wait node like this

gr. Hans


That’s what I’d recommend - to visualize it:


Thanks! That will do it!

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Thanks, this will do it, and thank you for adding the flow!

Thanks! Why do you need to Wait node here? BTW…I’m glad to know there is a wait node. Wouldn’t the output variable connection solve the problem alone?

If you connect the Excel Readers as shown you should not need a wait node as far as I know as the start of the second writer node is now dependent on the first node finishing…

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