Wrong column name

Hi team,

I am reading an excel file which has same column names, and while reading from knime the output table has column names with number appending. For example

original file
Column1Act Column2Act Column1Act Column2Act

Knime output
Column1Act Column2Act Column1Act_1 Column2Act_1

The problem is I want to read Column1Act_1 Column2Act_1 but retain the original column names.
*the column names keep changing.

Thanks in Advance.

Best regards,

The column names have to be unique so it is not possible to have two columns with the same name. If you must you could try and store the original names in some sort of reference table


As @mlauber71 already pointed out, the column names have to be unique. Nevertheless, you can keep your original column names as additional row (or columns if you do not transpose). Don’t know, if this helps you going forward. Output would look like this:

I created a simple workflow to archive this. It can be found and downloaded here:

Best regards,


Thank you Daniel, this would solve my problem.

Best regards,

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