XGBoost extension


I would like to use KNIME for my thesis research work but I can’t install the XGBoost extension, I did the update to 4.1.0 version and tried to install all the extensions but all my trails were useless!!
Please could you help me to solve this problem, My windows is windows 7, I downloaded the local ZIP file but I couldn’t use this file I didn’t know how to use it !!

This is the message that I receive when I try to install the extension.

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: KNIME XGBoost Integration 4.1.0.v201909241850 (org.knime.features.xgboost.feature.group 4.1.0.v201909241850)
Missing requirement: KNIME XGBoost Integration 4.1.0.v201909241850 (org.knime.features.xgboost.feature.group 4.1.0.v201909241850) requires ‘org.knime.xgboost [4.1.0.v201908271600]’ but it could not be found

Hi there @Maram_altah,

welcome to KNIME Community!

I guess you have checked this page? You can try Drag&Drop from KNIME Hub. In order to install extension from local Zip file you need to disable update sites that also provides that extension. Last sentence from first link above.

Try it out and if any questions/problems feel free ask.
