XLS Sheet Appender node fails.


XLS Sheet Appender node fails with the error "Unable to construct record instance".

Table contains 3 Integers, 3 Doubles and a String and none of the 240 rows have missing data.

Any ideas?



Could you please provide the log and possibly a workflow that reproduces the problem?

Was the file that you append to created by KNIME?



Actually, I had two sheet appender nodes on different branches of the workflow, the other node fired first and had errors due to having a 'molecule' column that wasn't converted into a string; I hadn't noticed this 'molecule' column as it inserted itself into my 'column filter' node include list when the data source changed.

It seems that the error on the first sheet append node blocked the second one as well (the data going into the 2nd node *was* all numeric)? Once I remove the molecule column from the first node, both nodes worked as expected.

