xlsx/xlsm is not writable


me and my coworker use the exact same workflow on the exact same files on the exact same drive. The reading from the Exel files works without any problem, but the output with the Excel sheet Appender and the Exel wirter only work when I execute them. My coowokrer gets the error-message: “Execute failes: filename.xlsm is not writable”.

Does anyone have a solution for that? Thanks in advance.


Hello @DvdFrcK,

does he have write permissions on that drive/directory? He can use same workflow with different filename to test it.



Hi ipazin,

thanks for your fast answer!
Yes she does. I am the intern, so if anybody should not have the permissions to write on the drive, it would be me :smiley:

Hi @DvdFrcK,

ok :smiley:

Then maybe file was locked by your KNIME workflow. Still the same suggestion from above is valid. She should try writing/accessing some other file. From experience these issues needs to be tested (writing different files on different directories with different extensions…) in order to find the root cause :wink:


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Hi Ivan,

she copied the files on her desktop and than everyting worked. So the problem occures, when she uses the workflow from her computer on the drive, but she has all permissions to use the drive.

Hello @DvdFrcK,

that would indicate workflow and nodes work as expected. Is she able to execute workflow successfully when writing out new file on drive? So not writing to or overwriting existing file.

Additionally you can check for log file if there is more info about error. File is located at located at ...\knime-workspace\.metadata\knime\knime.log. Make sure to put log level to DEBUG in order to get maximum information in log. To do this go File --> Preferences --> KNIME from within KNIME.



Thanks for your help!

We found the solution now. The company uses old shared drives and since windows 10, the explorer does not show the full file path from the drive. When we use the whole file path instead of the short one, that is shown in the explorer, it works.


Hi @DvdFrcK,

glad you found a issue and solution to it :+1:


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