XPath to get names of attributes

Hmm, all I need now is to use the attribute names as column names within the XPath node. I’m still hoping someone finds out how to pull that off. Although I’m not so sure anymore whether it can actually be done. The XPath node uses XPath 1.0 and I’d need 2.0 to do this for dynamic column names:

/dns:myElement/@*[starts-with(name(), "abc")]/name()

this is mentioned here:

This post also mentions that there exists a ticket to upgrade the XPath node (May 2019):

@ipazin Can you add +1 from me? Thank you :smiley:

Right now I’m at 12 nodes with your neat little construct @bruno29a, versus 2 with an XPath-only solution. It’s quick to set up, so I’m good for now. :evergreen_tree:

PS: NodePit has the same typo.