22/06/2024, 21:47 - Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them. Tap to learn more. 22/06/2024, 21:47 - AZ: سلام 22/06/2024, 21:48 - AZ: خوبی چه خبر؟ 22/06/2024, 21:48 - AZ: این عکس رو دیدی؟ 22/06/2024, 21:48 - AZ: IMG-20240622-WA0000.jpg (file attached) 22/06/2024, 21:48 - AZ: این فیلم رو دیدی؟ 22/06/2024, 21:48 - AZ: VID-20240622-WA0001.mp4 (file attached) 22/06/2024, 21:49 - AZ: PTT-20240622-WA0002.opus (file attached) 22/06/2024, 21:49 - AZ: کجایی؟