****************************************************************************** *** Welcome to KNIME Analytics Platform v5.2.1.v202401291517 *** *** Copyright by KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland *** ****************************************************************************** Log file is located at: E:\Knime-Workspace\.metadata\knime\knime.log ERROR DIRS21 Cockpit Export 3 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1416 into workflow, skipping it: null ERROR DIRS21 Cockpit Export 3 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1421 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer WARN Component Input 3:1375:0:1 Unable to load port content for node "Component Input": No BufferedDataTable with ID 205596 WARN Column Filter 3:1375:0:1373 Unable to load port content for node "Column Filter": No BufferedDataTable with ID 205597 WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.xml.node.filehandling.reader.XMLReaderNodeFactory2 (via org.knime.xml.filehandling) WARN Missing Value 3:1375:0:1366 Column "Arrival Time" still contains missing values. Column "Arrival Time Text" still contains missing values. Column "RefLegacyId" still contains missing values. Column "Channel IBEChannel" still contains missing values. Column "Referrer Code" still contains missing values. Column "Referrer MetaTrackId" still contains missing values. Column "Room _uuid" still contains missing values. Column "Room Count" still contains missing values. Column "Room Group" still contains missing values. Column "Room Occupancy Item Children" still contains missing values. Column "Rate _LegacyId" still contains missing values. Column "Rate _uuid" still contains missing values. Column "Rate Name" still contains missing values. Column "_HistoryIndex" still contains missing values. Column "Room items" still contains missing values. Column "Room _id" still contains missing values. Column "Room _LegacyId" still contains missing values. Column "Room AddOns" still contains missing values. Column "Room Name" still contains missing values. Column "Room Occupancy Item Adults" still contains missing values. Column "Room PMSInfo" still contains missing values. Column "Room PosId" still contains missing values. Column "Rate _id" still contains missing values. Column "Rate Currency" still contains missing values. Column "Rate PerDay item" still contains missing values. Column "Rate TotalAmount" still contains missing values. Column "Room RoomRequests" still contains missing values. Column "Room RoomUnit" still contains missing values. Column "Channel _id" still contains missing values. Column "Channel Name eid" still contains missing values. Column "Referrer _id" still contains missing values. Column "Cancellation Code" still contains missing values. WARN Google Authenticator 3:1407 Credential not available anymore. Please re-execute this node. ERROR Fetch Website Data 3:1126 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1017 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR Fetch Website Data 3:1126 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1034 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.knip.base.data.img.ImgPlusCell ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.twoports.RuleEngineVariable2PortsNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.preproc.stringmanipulation.variable.StringManipulationVariableNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.pmml.PMMLRuleEditorNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.preproc.stringmanipulation.multicolumn.MultiColumnStringManipulationNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.RuleEngineNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.preproc.stringmanipulation.StringManipulationNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.jsnippet.JavaSnippetNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.pmml.PMMLRuleSetPredictorNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.RuleEngineVariableNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.twoports.RuleEngine2PortsNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.RuleEngineFilterNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.twoports.RuleEngineSplitter2PortsNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.jsnippet.JavaEditVarNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.decisiontree.FromDecisionTreeNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.twoports.RuleEngineFilter2PortsNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.RuleEngineSplitterNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! ERROR RepositoryManager Node 'org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.totable.RulesToTableNodeFactory' from plugin 'org.knime.jsnippets' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated! WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.csv.reader.FileReaderNodeFactory (via org.knime.base) WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.base.node.preproc.manipulator.TableManipulatorNodeFactory (via org.knime.base) WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.csv.reader.CSVTableReaderNodeFactory (via org.knime.base) WARN List Files/Folders 3:1126:0:1083:0:1061 Node created an empty data table. WARN Files/Folders Meta Info 3:1126:0:1083:0:1062 Node created an empty data table. WARN Component Input 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1102 Node created an empty data table. WARN Row Splitter 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1098 Node created empty data tables on all out-ports. WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableReaderNodeFactory (via org.knime.base) WARN Delete Files/Folders (Table) 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1099 Node created an empty data table. WARN Row Filter 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1101 Node created an empty data table. WARN Concatenate 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1100 Node created an empty data table. WARN Row Filter 3:1126:0:1083:0:1063 Node created an empty data table. WARN Create Temp Folder 3:1126:0:1083:0:977 Temporary folder has been deleted. Please re-execute the node. WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.linereader.LineReaderNodeFactory2 (via org.knime.base) WARN Column Filter 3:1126:0:1053 Node created an empty data table. WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.csv.reader.simple.SimpleFileReaderNodeFactory (via org.knime.base) -- deprecated ERROR Read Chunk Table and isolate next Domain 3:1126:0:1032 Unable to load node with ID suffix 991 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer WARN PythonService PythonService is not initilized WARN PythonService Could not send any request. WARN FFLDUtils Assigning default(OPLS3e) for ffld number 16 WARN SchrodFileUtils SCHRODINGER is not set properly. WARN FFLDUtils Checking for license failed as SCHRODINGER is not set. WARN SchrodFileUtils SCHRODINGER is not set properly. WARN FFLDUtils Checking for license failed as SCHRODINGER is not set. WARN SchrodFileUtils SCHRODINGER is not set properly. WARN FFLDUtils Checking for license failed as SCHRODINGER is not set. ERROR Write data to temp table and concat 3:1126:0:1018 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1007 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR Save Chunk Table w/ current domain at the end 3:1126:0:1095 Unable to load node with ID suffix 984 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer WARN Component Input 3:1399:0:1 Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first WARN Component Input 3:1399:0:1383:0:1 Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first WARN Component Output 3:1399:0:1383:0:2 Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first WARN Google BigQuery Connector 3:1410 Execute failed: [Simba][BigQueryJDBCDriver](100004) HttpTransport IO error : 400 Bad Request POST https://bigquery.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/analytics_319910972/jobs { "code": 400, "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "message": "ProjectId and DatasetId must be non-empty", "reason": "badRequest" } ], "message": "ProjectId and DatasetId must be non-empty", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" }. ERROR Google BigQuery Connector 3:1410 Configure failed (NoClassDefFoundError): Could not initialize class org.knime.knip.base.data.img.ImgPlusCell WARN Google Analytics Connector 3:1408 Google Analytics property ID is missing. WARN Google Analytics Connector 3:1408 Google Analytics property ID is missing. WARN Concatenate 3:1419 Unable to load port content for node "Concatenate": No BufferedDataTable with ID 203935 WARN Google Sheets Reader 3:1414 No settings available WARN Google Sheets Reader 3:1414 No settings available ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Errors during load: Status: DataLoadError: DIRS21 Cockpit Export 3 loaded with error during data load ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: DIRS21 Cockpit Export 3 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1416 into workflow, skipping it: null ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1421 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule-based Row Filter" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule-based Row Filter" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Analyze Data 3:1375 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule Engine" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Component Input 3:1375:0:1 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Unable to load port content for node "Component Input": No BufferedDataTable with ID 205596 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Column Filter 3:1375:0:1373 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Unable to load port content for node "Column Filter": No BufferedDataTable with ID 205597 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Parse Created, Arrival and Departure Date 3:1375:0:1335 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Multi Column)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: State has changed from CONFIGURED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Fetch Website Data 3:1126 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1017 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1034 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.knip.base.data.img.ImgPlusCell ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Row Filter 3:1126:0:1058 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Save Chunk Table to re-iterate upon error 3:1126:0:981 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Restore / Initialize Variables 3:1126:0:981:0:1087 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Variable)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Read Chunk Table and isolate next Domain 3:1126:0:1032 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 991 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Configurable IF/CASE Switch (Flow Variable Value) 3:1126:0:1032:0:1001 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Extract Data 3:1126:0:972 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Variable)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Calculate Dates 3:1126:0:972:0:1300 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Multi Column)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Select Date Range 3:1126:0:972:0:1196 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Identify Sections with Results 3:1126:0:972:0:1267 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule Engine" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Open Section 3:1126:0:972:0:1308 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Variable)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Click Next page and Determine Loop Stop 3:1126:0:972:0:1156 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Variable)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Determine Loop Stop 3:1126:0:972:0:1156:0:1154 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Snippet" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Snippet" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Write data to temp table and concat 3:1126:0:1018 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1007 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Concatenate 3:1126:0:1018:0:1018 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Save Chunk Table w/ current domain at the end 3:1126:0:1095 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 984 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule-based Row Filter" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Row Filter 3:1126:0:1095:0:1004 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Update Chunk Table and determine Loop Stop 3:1126:0:1094 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule-based Row Filter" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Google BigQuery Connector 3:1410 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from CONFIGURED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Concatenate 3:1419 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Unable to load port content for node "Concatenate": No BufferedDataTable with ID 203935 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.bigdata.fileformats.filehandling.reader.parquet.ParquetTableReaderNodeFactory2 (via org.knime.bigdata.fileformats) WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.bigdata.fileformats.filehandling.reader.parquet.ParquetTableReaderNodeFactory (via org.knime.bigdata.fileformats) -- deprecated WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.bigdata.fileformats.filehandling.reader.orc.OrcTableReaderNodeFactory (via org.knime.bigdata.fileformats) WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeFactoryExtension Could not create node factory WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.json.node.filehandling.reader.JSONReaderNodeFactory (via org.knime.json.filehandling) WARN NodeSpecCache Error while computing node specifications of node factory extensions org.knime.ext.poi3.node.io.filehandling.excel.reader.ExcelTableReaderNodeFactory (via org.knime.ext.poi3) ERROR DIRS21 Cockpit Export 3 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1416 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR DIRS21 Cockpit Export 3 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1421 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer WARN Component Input 3:1375:0:1 Unable to load port content for node "Component Input": No BufferedDataTable with ID 205596 WARN Column Filter 3:1375:0:1373 Unable to load port content for node "Column Filter": No BufferedDataTable with ID 205597 WARN Missing Value 3:1375:0:1366 Column "Arrival Time" still contains missing values. Column "Arrival Time Text" still contains missing values. Column "RefLegacyId" still contains missing values. Column "Channel IBEChannel" still contains missing values. Column "Referrer Code" still contains missing values. Column "Referrer MetaTrackId" still contains missing values. Column "Room _uuid" still contains missing values. Column "Room Count" still contains missing values. Column "Room Group" still contains missing values. Column "Room Occupancy Item Children" still contains missing values. Column "Rate _LegacyId" still contains missing values. Column "Rate _uuid" still contains missing values. Column "Rate Name" still contains missing values. Column "_HistoryIndex" still contains missing values. Column "Room items" still contains missing values. Column "Room _id" still contains missing values. Column "Room _LegacyId" still contains missing values. Column "Room AddOns" still contains missing values. Column "Room Name" still contains missing values. Column "Room Occupancy Item Adults" still contains missing values. Column "Room PMSInfo" still contains missing values. Column "Room PosId" still contains missing values. Column "Rate _id" still contains missing values. Column "Rate Currency" still contains missing values. Column "Rate PerDay item" still contains missing values. Column "Rate TotalAmount" still contains missing values. Column "Room RoomRequests" still contains missing values. Column "Room RoomUnit" still contains missing values. Column "Channel _id" still contains missing values. Column "Channel Name eid" still contains missing values. Column "Referrer _id" still contains missing values. Column "Cancellation Code" still contains missing values. WARN Google Authenticator 3:1407 Credential not available anymore. Please re-execute this node. ERROR Fetch Website Data 3:1126 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1017 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR Fetch Website Data 3:1126 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1034 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.csv.reader.CSVMultiTableReadConfigSerializer WARN List Files/Folders 3:1126:0:1083:0:1061 Node created an empty data table. WARN Files/Folders Meta Info 3:1126:0:1083:0:1062 Node created an empty data table. WARN Component Input 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1102 Node created an empty data table. WARN Row Splitter 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1098 Node created empty data tables on all out-ports. WARN Delete Files/Folders (Table) 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1099 Node created an empty data table. WARN Row Filter 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1101 Node created an empty data table. WARN Concatenate 3:1126:0:1083:0:1102:0:1100 Node created an empty data table. WARN Row Filter 3:1126:0:1083:0:1063 Node created an empty data table. WARN Create Temp Folder 3:1126:0:1083:0:977 Temporary folder has been deleted. Please re-execute the node. WARN Column Filter 3:1126:0:1053 Node created an empty data table. ERROR Read Chunk Table and isolate next Domain 3:1126:0:1032 Unable to load node with ID suffix 991 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR Write data to temp table and concat 3:1126:0:1018 Unable to load node with ID suffix 1007 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR Save Chunk Table w/ current domain at the end 3:1126:0:1095 Unable to load node with ID suffix 984 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer WARN Component Input 3:1399:0:1 Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first WARN Component Input 3:1399:0:1383:0:1 Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first WARN Component Output 3:1399:0:1383:0:2 Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first WARN Google BigQuery Connector 3:1410 Execute failed: [Simba][BigQueryJDBCDriver](100004) HttpTransport IO error : 400 Bad Request POST https://bigquery.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/analytics_319910972/jobs { "code": 400, "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "message": "ProjectId and DatasetId must be non-empty", "reason": "badRequest" } ], "message": "ProjectId and DatasetId must be non-empty", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" }. ERROR Google BigQuery Connector 3:1410 Configure failed (NoClassDefFoundError): Could not initialize class org.knime.database.datatype.mapping.DBTypeMappingRegistry WARN Google Analytics Connector 3:1408 Google Analytics property ID is missing. WARN Google Analytics Connector 3:1408 Google Analytics property ID is missing. WARN Concatenate 3:1419 Unable to load port content for node "Concatenate": No BufferedDataTable with ID 203935 WARN Google Sheets Reader 3:1414 No settings available WARN Google Sheets Reader 3:1414 No settings available ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Errors during load: Status: DataLoadError: DIRS21 Cockpit Export 3 loaded with error during data load ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: DIRS21 Cockpit Export 3 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1416 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1421 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule-based Row Filter" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule-based Row Filter" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Analyze Data 3:1375 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule Engine" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Component Input 3:1375:0:1 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Unable to load port content for node "Component Input": No BufferedDataTable with ID 205596 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Column Filter 3:1375:0:1373 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Unable to load port content for node "Column Filter": No BufferedDataTable with ID 205597 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Parse Created, Arrival and Departure Date 3:1375:0:1335 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Multi Column)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: State has changed from CONFIGURED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Fetch Website Data 3:1126 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1017 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1034 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.csv.reader.CSVMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Row Filter 3:1126:0:1058 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Save Chunk Table to re-iterate upon error 3:1126:0:981 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Restore / Initialize Variables 3:1126:0:981:0:1087 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Variable)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Read Chunk Table and isolate next Domain 3:1126:0:1032 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 991 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Configurable IF/CASE Switch (Flow Variable Value) 3:1126:0:1032:0:1001 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Extract Data 3:1126:0:972 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Variable)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Calculate Dates 3:1126:0:972:0:1300 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Multi Column)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Select Date Range 3:1126:0:972:0:1196 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Edit Variable" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Identify Sections with Results 3:1126:0:972:0:1267 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule Engine" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Open Section 3:1126:0:972:0:1308 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Variable)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Click Next page and Determine Loop Stop 3:1126:0:972:0:1156 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "String Manipulation (Variable)" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Determine Loop Stop 3:1126:0:972:0:1156:0:1154 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Snippet" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Java Snippet" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Write data to temp table and concat 3:1126:0:1018 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 1007 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Concatenate 3:1126:0:1018:0:1018 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Save Chunk Table w/ current domain at the end 3:1126:0:1095 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Unable to load node with ID suffix 984 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.base.node.io.filehandling.table.reader.KnimeTableMultiTableReadConfigSerializer ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule-based Row Filter" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Row Filter 3:1126:0:1095:0:1004 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Update Chunk Table and determine Loop Stop 3:1126:0:1094 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Error: Node "Rule-based Row Filter" not available from extension "KNIME Javasnippet" (provided by "KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland"; plugin "org.knime.jsnippets" is installed) ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: Google BigQuery Connector 3:1410 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: Warning: State has changed from CONFIGURED to IDLE ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Concatenate 3:1419 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: Unable to load port content for node "Concatenate": No BufferedDataTable with ID 203935 ERROR LoadWorkflowRunnable Status: DataLoadError: State has changed from EXECUTED to IDLE