3D ligand and protein visualization from KNIME 5.x

Hi guys,

Is there a 3D ligand visualization node (and optionally even ligand-protein visualization node) that can be used from KNIME 5.x?

For such a purposes I used to use 2 very useful nodes (namely Ligands Viewer and Ligands and Proteins Viewer) that were part of the great 3D-e-Chem extension and that could even be integrated into KNIME components. Unfortunately, it seems that this extension is no longer available starting from KNIME 5.x and this leaves the new KNIME 5.x without a molecule visualization tool.

Is there an alternative?

Thanks for any suggestions,


Dear @gcincilla Gio,

said extension should be available now for 5.1. Could you please retry?


PS: @sverhoeven FYI


Dear @steffen_KNIME, this is a wonderful news!!
I can confirm that it’s now possible to install the 3D-e-Chem extension in KNIME 5.1. Thanks to all of you and especially @sverhoeven!
I’m sure the community will get a lot out of this.


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