A secure way to authenticate azure nodes

Hello Everyone,

Our team is trying to connect to azure adls storage through the connector to automate the flow as far as possible. The three ways of authentication we currently can use in KNIME are

  1. Username Password
  2. Secret Key
  3. SAS

This was all fine until we came to know that the validity of the secret key or SAS should not be more than two months as per policy. This makes it difficult as the end users don’t have any access to azure resources and so cannot create new keys.

So is there any other way to authenticate like “Azure Key Vault” or any other problems similar to this ?

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I’m afraid there is no other way than what you listed above. We are working on new credential and configuration store which can solve this problem by centrally managing secrets and configurations. A preview of the store is planned for the beginning of next year.


Thank you for clarifying

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