About "advanced setting" in the Association Rule Learner (Borgelt) node.

Hello everyone,

I want to show the result of absolute percentage of rules, and therefore I need the additional parameter of apriori (http://www.borgelt.net/doc/apriori/apriori.html). Does anyone know how to use the additional parameter in this node?

Many thanks


you can specify additional parameters via the Advanced Settings tab of the node. Just enter the list of parameters separated by a space the same way as you would do in the command line.



Hi, Tobias,

Thank you for your kindly response. However, the instructions from author's page (http://www.borgelt.net/doc/apriori/apriori.html) say that parameter -v is for output format and I failed to use either -v(%S) and -v%S to acquire the percentage of rules. Did I do anything wrong? 




Hello Warren,

KNIME already presets some parameter (s, c, t, f, v, I, k, m) including v to ensure that the node works as expected. This is why you get the following error message "Parameter 'v' is a default parameter that can't be changed using the advanced settings tab".

KNIME uses the following settings for the v parameter to create the output columns:


So the percentage of the rules is reported by the node in the RelativeItemSetSupport column.

I hope this helps. If not you could call Christian Borgelts executable from within KNIME using the External Tool node. however then you will need to take care of writing out the data in a format the executable understands and also setting the appropriate parameters.



Hi, Tobias,

Thank you for your reply. The problem is solved perfectly!!!


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