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The Educators Alliance team
Thanks for providing more service to academia! I look forward to the day that there are enough statistical methods added that we could consider replacing SPSS with KNIME.
Dear @BobMuenchen,
On this note: Thank you so much, Bob, for the feedback that you have provided in the past for improving KNIME Analytics Platform in the broad field of statistics! A major part of the points that you have raised have been addressed in the past releases already and we are working hard to improve on them even more.
Did you know that we have added quite some statistical tests into KNIME Labs, e.g. a Friedman Test? We are planning to move a majority of them out of Labs with the summer release of KNIME but not before they have been field tested! We appreciate feedback that you (and other members of the community) can provide.
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Hi, in my humble opinion the Anderson Darling and the Kruskal Wallis test can be added.
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Hi @mauuuuu5,
we have added the Kruskal-Wallis test in the past but it’s not shipped yet with a minimal KNIME installation. If you give it a try, we’d appreciate feedback, in particular, if you found it useful and usable – in that case, we’d be more confident to move it out of Labs and into regular installations.
Interestingly, I have just added the Anderson-Darling test to our list just yesterday since another lecturer was looking for it as well. Thank you for bringing it up!
Best regards,
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Hi @stelfrich thank you I just want to check if the hypotheses in the Kruskal-Wallis wants to validate the means or medians in this case
