Add Knime Version Number in MUI header ribbon


in the header ribbon it is just stated “KNIME Analytics Platform 5”. I’d find it much more useful to display the actual minor version like “KNIME Analytics Platform 5.3.3” or the corresponding nightly version build number.



Great minds think alike @mwiegand :wink:

I was just writing much the same thing, and the forum alerted me to your message!

This is what I was writing, but now I’ll add it to your post instead

I find myself running different versions of KNIME concurrently, especially when there is a new major release, and it would be useful to be able to quickly tell which version I’m looking at without having to click the Help menu.

My workaround at the moment is to have an empty project named with the KNIME version number always open as the first workflow in my KNIME instance,


which helps but would be nice if the version number could just be present (optionally?) somewhere on the application window.


Thank you for the suggestion. I have created an enhancement ticket for an optional possibility to show the version number (NXT-3203). But, I can not gurantee a date for this implementation.


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