Add Node to convert collection whos column type got lost back to collection type

Hi @Vernalis,

sometimes the column type gets lost, especially when using table reader / writer nodes during loop execution to store intermittent results. Though, chances are a collection is passed as a string in a CSV or any other file format.

Converting back to a collection type requires a few steps:

I’d like to suggest to clone the Collection to String node into a String to Collection node to allow, by configuring these options, to convert back into a collection with ease.

PS: Just for reference if anyone finds that topic. Here is a function for the column expression node that does all of it in one swipe:

split(replace(replaceChars(column(variable("currentColumnName")), "[]", ""), ", ", ","), ",")

Paired with a Column List Loop it is an unintuitive but usable approach:


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I now have an internal “String to Collection” node and hopefully able to get it released in the next week or so…



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