Add option to create report or ask for support from within Knime


similar to Google Ads I’d like to propose to ease the bug report or request for help by creating forum topics from within Knime.

For support requests or bug reports the tickets would get created automatically in the corresponding forum category. Though, like in the below screenshots visible, the following options would boost the overall experience dramatically:

  1. Adding a Screenshot (SVG of the workflow?)
  2. For support, uploading the workflow but with data anonymization or an option to create a shareable private link (inviting or granting certain users access)
  3. For bug reports automatically collecting the system details, installed extensions, extensions used in the workflow, all logs etc.

Taking this one step further, which is more interesting for Knime as a company, is to add an option to “Connect to an Expert” which could provide just in time feedback or ideas, help debugging, improving performance etc…
