Hi Everyone,
How can I add an attachment to the pdf, when creating a report in KNIME?
Hi Everyone,
How can I add an attachment to the pdf, when creating a report in KNIME?
Hey and welcome to the forum!
I’m not 100% sure I understand what you are after.
You have created a pdf report using Knime. Do you now want to attach it to an Email?
Maybe you can share an anonymized version of what you have built so far. That always goes a long way to help people out
Hi Martin,
Thank you for your answer
Sorry, I should have been clearer. Yes, I have created a pdf report using KNIME.
I want to attach/embed a csv file to this pdf using KNIME (not as a table, but as a file -.csv extension-).
No worries all good.
I take that you want the report recipients to be able to “open” the .csv file by double-click on some sort of icon displayed in the pdf?
Honestly as far as I am aware this is not currently possible - at least not using the nodes available in the KNIME Reporting extension.
There may be ways to achieve this using Python / Java Scripts, but I am not sure if that can be combined with the KNIME Reporting nodes…
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