Adding Extension caused Knime to now stop working

I tried to add an extension but this has now stopped knime explorer and the workflow coach working anymore. I get the following in explorer
Plug-in “org.knime.workbench.explorer.view” was unable to instantiate class “org.knime.workbench.explorer.view.ExplorerView”.

the workspace log shows mostly problems with org.eclipse.ui

I’m running 4.2.2 and tried to add the text processing extension. I’ve tried a new workspace but doesn’t solve problem

I uninstalled and then reinstalled but still get the same issue. Any ideas how to get this working again please ? even without text processing extension if this is the issue

Hi @phil_c,

Welcome to the KNIME community forum!

Is there a specific reason you are using 4.2.2?
You might need to update to 4.2.5 first to get the textprocessing extension working.
But I strongly recommend you to update to 4.4 or 4.5.


Hi Gabriel

4.2.2 is the only company authorised version we can use unfortunately.
I’ve asked them to go to 4.5 but there’s a 4-6 week “review” period first. Trying to add the text processing extension has now made knime unusable for everything even trying to revert back doesn’t work.


OK I’ve now fixed the issue by removing the Knime application but also removing the .eclipse folder in Users\phil before reinstalling. The Eclipse folder contained the extension config data that kept failing as my version was too old but was Ok when fully reinstalled afresh.


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Hi @phil_c,

I am happy you found a solution and shared it with us. Happy KNIMEing :knime: !


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