AF Utilities Upgrade

Hi @AnotherFraudUser,

We are currently running KNIME 4.6.4 with AF Utilities Nodes 1.0.0.v202212182306 and are trying to upgrade to KNIME 4.7.2 with AF Utilities Nodes 1.0.0.v202301102035.

We noticed significant changes between the two versions for the “Write to Excel Template” node. Mainly the only two variables we are using have now changed in the new version. These are the paths for the “Template File Selection” and the path for the “Output File Selection”. The original name was path_or_url where the new name is path. This is causing quite the problems for us in terms of upgrading, as we do use these nodes very frequently in multiple workflows. It means all these cached/overwritten flow variables are now “forgotten” and needs to be configured from scratch.

After a test upgrade to 4.7.2 with the latest version of the AF Utilitites Nodes we noticed the differences below:

1.0.0.v202212182306 using path_or_url:

1.0.0.v202301102035 using path instead of path_or_url:

After upgrading all our “Write to Excel Template” nodes have been reset and the configurations are completely lost.
Is there any way to migrate the variables to the new format? We need to ensure these old configurations are being copied to the new version of the node.

Your help would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,
Rutger Krom

Hi @RKrom,

willI check how to provide a solution.
Issue comes from the upgrade to the newer file path component to support variable paths.

Maybe I can just add the path_or_url as an optional parameter to the node :thinking:
Might not showup nicely in the configuration window, but would then make the migration easier.

You most likely are using full filepaths, right?
need to prepare thr extension for 5.0 - so will come back to you as soon as possible :slight_smile:


Hi @AnotherFraudUser ,

Thank you for your quick response.
Yes we are using full file paths (variable type “string”). For example:
C:\Users\\Excel Template v3.xlsx

With optional parameter you mean if the “path_or_url” parameter is used as configuration in an older version of the node, it will be used as “path” in the new version if the variable “path” is not yet configured?

Any solution which could help us with this migration issue is welcome. Thank you so much for your help.

Kind regards

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that is at least the idea, have to check how that works :thinking:


Hi @AnotherFraudUser ,

Would it be possible to give us an estimate on this change?
I would like to know if we are talking about weeks or month, cause we might need to force a KNIME update soon.
And please let me know if you need any assistance in testing the update, I would be able to help you.

Kind regards,

Hi @RKrom,

as I am not a full time developer for the extension this is something I do when I find free time after work…
So not a definitiv timeline but will try to fix it latest on the weekend.
Just have to figure out some stuff in the background.

If you could provide an example workflow from 4.6 that would help for testing :slight_smile:
But now I have to make sure that the change also does not change anything for users who already use the new configuration :see_no_evil:

So give me a few days to check :slight_smile:


Hi @AnotherFraudUser,

You told me in an earlier case you are not a full time developer, so I appreciate all the help. Latest on the weekend is much earlier than I expected, so thank you for that.

I’ve prepared a small workflow which is using a similar configuration as which caused the issue during the extension update. Attached is the workflow and the (very basic) template.

AF Utilitities Template.xlsx (8.9 KB)
Write to Excel Template.knar (59.9 KB)

Thanks again!

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Hi @RKrom,

I have a solution ready at least for filepath and overwrite settings.
However due to a unrelated issue with the 4.7 update process the deployment is a bit deplayed.
(need input here from Gabriel/Steffen to continue)

But hopefully in the coming week you can check :slight_smile:
At least from my side this looks better.


@AnotherFraudUser if there is anything ready for us to test, please let me know :smiley:

Hi @RKrom,

you could now try to update the extension and test (hopefully it works and a broke nothing :see_no_evil: )
Sorry that it took bit longer…however unrelated to this I had to replace the org.json library with gson in all my sharepoint nodes before this could be deployed as well…which required quite some code fixing in the end :frowning:


Hi @AnotherFraudUser ,

I’ve tested the node on our existing workflows. So far so good! This afternoon I’ll validate it a bit more.
Thank you so much for all your effort. Your help is really appreciated!

Kind regards,

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@RKrom great :slight_smile:
I think for 5.0 I will put this version as deprecated and create a “new” seperate node for further development. (most likely what I should have done in the first place)
So would be good if you move to paths with new developments :slight_smile:

@AnotherFraudUser Yes indeed the plan is to update our workflows/nested components to work with the latest variables. We will do this in 4.7, so once this node is set to deprecated in 5.0 we are already prepared.


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