Airtable / Is there a connection or solution for data transfer to the tables on the airtable?

Hi everyone;
Is there a connection or solution for data transfer to the tables on the airtable? (I would like to know if there is an integration knowledge.)

I would love to know if there is a solution to transfer data to airtable or if someone knows a method that I need to do.

Knime team, no answer from you? “Tableau Integration” should be in the same way as airtable data transfer knime, now it is being used frequently in a very small and medium-sized company

Hi @umutcankurt,

I just checked the Airtable API Documentation. It is accessible via REST, so you are able to query it with the KNIME REST nodes, i.e. a GET Request node to query your Airtable data.

I was curious what Airtable is and whether we can easily integrate it with KNIME, that is why I created a very small example workflow which you can adapt to query your Airtable data.

Martenairtable.knwf (13.4 KB)


Thanks for your interest, I will test and respond.
Note: I wanted to transfer my data in knime to the airtable. I hope that you can find a solution that will benefit me very much.

Hi again;
If you write your e-mail address, I will send you the necessary information.

I tried to do on the sample you sent but I did not succeed. I’m in these matters :(:frowning:

There is a description how to insert data in the official API documentation

The example workflow reads records via GET request. To insert data you have to perform a POST request and additionally provide the data as JSON.
