Alteryx to KNIME conversion

Can anyone help me convert the following node (Row filter in Alteryx) from Alteryx to KNIME to give the same output?

Hello @24Sushma,

you can use Rule-based Rule Engine node for filtering. If you need to calculate date and/or time fields before you can use Extract Date/Time Fields node.

Additionally here is useful topic on Alteryx migration:



Hello @ipazin ,
I have used Extract Date/Time Fields node to extract Month but not sure what to use for DateTimeToday() function used in Alteryx.

Hello @24Sushma,

there are couple of ways to get current date but maybe easiest for you would be to use today() function from Column Expressions node and add it as new column. Then you can extract whatever field you want from it. Also you can use Column Expressions functions to get these fields from Date&Time columns - for exmaple getMonthOfYear() for month number.

Alternatively you can hold this information in flow variable to avoid repeating it many times in a table unnecessary. Variable Expressions is Column Expressions counterpart when it comes to variables.



Thank you. The solution works.

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