Alteryx to KNIME google spreadsheet, where is it?


Some time ago, I found an amazing Google spreadsheet that mapped Alteryx tools to KNIME nodes, but unfortunately it’s now closed to invitees only - and they’re not approving me to see it. Does anyone have a different, open link to another version of this resource?


Hi @Felipe_Ribeir0 ,

welcome to the forum. Maybe this cheat sheet can help you.

Have a nice day,


Hello @Felipe_Ribeir0,

access denied here as well. Maybe @DemandEngineer can help as creator.


Hmm - worked for me in terms of access…

Cannot upload here as to large…


@nan’s link worked for me. Are you behind a firewall or some corporate security system?

Here’s what I see:


that is weird as it is a PDF for me so doesnt make sense for you to request access to a google sheet.

Can you copy this link:

and paste it in your browser

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I think there’s been some confusion here between different resources. We have access to this pdf, but we don’t have access to the google spreadsheet mentioned in the topic. One column of the spreadsheet contains the Alteryx tools, the other the corresponding KNIME node.

Do you have the link for the spreadsheet?

I couldn’t get access either…

I was going to embed the file in a KNIME workflow Data Folder with a file location opener component, then export it and upload it to the forum. I sent a request for access. If it is granted, then I will post it in a workflow.