Amazon DynamoDB Query: Missing BEGINS_WITH condition?!


As described here, there should be a “BEGINS_WITH” condition along with other conditions available in the Amazon DynamoDB Query node but it doesn’t exist in the node’s configurations. Luckily I could make a fake range to use with “BETWEEN” but it’s not a promising solution. Is there a particular reason for not having “BEGINS_WITH”?


HI Armin,
We are using the condition expression API, which replaces the previous operators. Here you have to use the begins_with (a , substr) function as described here: Please let me know if that works! Generally, we just pass the expression on to the official Amazon library, so everything they support, we support.
Kind regards,

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Hi Alexander,

I want to use the condition on the range key but the operator “begins_with” is not available. I cannot pass the operator as a flow variable too.


Can you send a screenshot of the dialog with your expression?
Kind regards,

There is no “BEGINS_WITH” operator for the range key.


Ah, now I get it. My bad! I will open a ticket so that this is added to the node! Unfortunately I do not know of a workaround right now :-/
Kind regards,


I don’t know if this is in a backlog somewhere, but begins_with is a very handy/commonly used query pattern with DynamoDB. Any chance it will be added in the future or should I use boto3/python?