Any solution to solve this problem? I have try many times download and delete still cannot solve the problem.Can’t launch the app.
1723442535828.log (840.0 KB)
Any solution to solve this problem? I have try many times download and delete still cannot solve the problem.Can’t launch the app.
1723442535828.log (840.0 KB)
Thanks for attaching the log. It looks like it is complaining about java 17.
I see this in the log multiple times:
Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability:; filter:="(&("
Which download are you using for KAP? I would try the different types (ie. like the ‘zip archive’ if the self installer isn’t working)
You could try to make sure you have at least java 17 on your machine. It might fulfill that error that popped up a multiple times in the log which will let you launch it, though I would try using another mirror first to see if it fixes it.
Hope this helps,