An error occurs when launching the app

Anyone can check for me? I can’t launch the app. I already try many times dowload still cannot launch the app.
1723626073618.log (822.6 KB)



It looks like the knime.exe file may have been renamed. KNIME uses a .ini file to start up, and looks for a file with the same name as the .exe file.
Could you check that the knime.exe is located next to the knime.ini (or if you rename the knime.exe, please also rename the knime.ini).

Alternatively, you can try using the KNIME Analytics Platform for Windows (zip archive) version of our downloads, which just needs to be extracted (e.g. to C:\knime) and run.

Kind regards


Maybe adding to my last message: the suspicion came up, because KNIME started with an incorrect Java version. The correct Java version to use (which we bundle with KNIME) should be set in the knime.ini with the -startup parameter.

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