Analyse the cheapest Supplyer per Material

Hello everyone,
I have a question about the following problem: In my data set I have different material numbers, suppliers as well as the quantity and the average price.

The central question is: do I buy the most material from the cheapest supplier?

For this I would like to insert an additional column (wished result) in which it says “Ok”, “not OK” or “no 2nd Source”.

2nd Source Dataset Kninme.xlsx (11.7 KB)

Hi @ARock1980 , to answer this question in anything other than general terms, I think you would need to provide sample datasets for the price lists.

I would expect to tackle this by getting a count of suppliers for each material (to be able to provide the “no 2nd source” response) and I would also look to summarise the material prices to find for each material the supplier with the lowest unit price. This summary information could be derived as a single reference table.

Once that data summary has been established, it would be possible to inspect the above dataset and for each material, return the count of suppliers and the supplier with the lowest unit cost. If the returned count is 1, then the result would be “no 2nd source”, but if the returned count is greater than 1, then the result would be “ok” if the supplier is the returned “lowest cost” supplier, and “not ok” otherwise.

It may be necessary to handle the “complication” of when two or more suppliers are jointly the lowest cost. Should the result in that edge case also simply be “ok”?

If you can upload sample material/supplier price information then a fuller example of how to achieve this can probably be provided.


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